Home » 12th June 2021 10:00am, Guest Speaker: Jack Kregas

12th June 2021 10:00am, Guest Speaker: Jack Kregas

South East Writers Inc (36th Public Meeting) Labrador Community and Youth Centre  12th June 2021  10:00am
57 Billington Street, Labrador, QLD 4215 – $10.00

Guest Speaker   Jack Kregas

Jack Kregas was born in New England in the north-east of the United States. After a stint in the US Army, he was discharged in Europe and the next forty years were spent skiing and living life to the max as well as creating several successful businesses.

Winters in the Alps and summers windsurfing on Maui, Jack departed Switzerland for Maui full time with his Australian wife and small daughter. After five years he moved the family to Australia and became an Australian Citizen.

Jack now lives in Brisbane and is retired, writing full-time after his very successful autobiography, It’s All About Me and a few others. He plays golf and travels to participate in poker tournaments or promote his books. After three books of short stories, his first novel in two years, CLUB CARGO,is out now.

It’s All About Me and a few others



These books are available at Amazon, i-books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

University Students and Indigenous Writers welcome.

Proudly supporting Somerset Storyfest www.storyfest.com.au

South East Writers is an initiative to combine skills, experience, educate and raise standards within Writing, Printing, Publishing and the associated arts.

Printing Plant tours, Workshops and Guest speakers will be offered to assist Writers in achieving their optimal goal.

South East Writers will develop benchmarks and adhere to industry standards. Actors, AudioBooks, Book trailers, Design, e-books, Distribution, Editing, Films, Illustration & supportive Artwork, Printing, Publishing, Crowd funding for publishing, Sub editing, Voice-Overs and Writing.

Openness, integrity, transparency and active participation will be encouraged at all Membership levels. Contact Mark Wren – ipcc@ozemail.com.au0416 365 859 (07) 5571 7488

We look forward to seeing you on the 09th January 2021 at 10:00am