Home » Logan Writers Festival 2022 9th & 10th Sep

Logan Writers Festival 2022 9th & 10th Sep

Growth & Resilience

Logan Writers Festival best place for Logan’s readers to find their new favourite authors.

There is an exponential amount of literary talent in the city of Logan. This festival is one of the best places for writers and readers to meet, share their love of writing, and connect with the incredible community we have in this diverse city.

Stories are one of the most ancient forms of communication, history and connectedness, and over 70% of Australian’s say it is their favourite form of entertainment. Come and support your favourite authors to continue to give you the stories you love.

Our literary community in Logan aim to discover the best ways to reach readers. By building stronger communities with our local libraries, government, industry leaders, readers and writers, we aim to make the “starving artist” a myth in Logan.

Through the deep expression that the art of literature lends us, Logan Writers Festival goal is to strive to create a community of authentic writers living the life they dream of. It is also our aim for our readers to have a large variety of local stories to fall in love with and celebrate with their family and friends.